Friday, October 24, 2014

Spellscribed Conviction is available to Pre-Order!

Hello everyone!

I am most pleased to announce that Spellscribed: Conviction is now available for Pre-Order! The book will be on the digital shelved December 8th!

I would like to ask that you tell your friends, family, and any fans of the series that you know! Word of mouth has been the most effective means of getting this series out there and I am thankful for everyone you have told about my books!

I know this has been a long time coming, so without further ado:

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Book 3 Announcement Part 2!

After some unexpected delays and getting wrapped up in finishing the book, I completely forgot to put up the new cover here. I'm sorry; my bad. (This is why I need a publicist.)
Here's the new cover for Spellscribed Conviction!

Additionally, the book preorders will be opening up November 1st, for a early December release date!