Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Types of Magic in Spellscribed

So... Anyone got any burning questions about magic? ;)

Actually, I've been collecting all my notes about how magic works in the Spellscribed series and I realize that there are a few more methods of magic than just the one that the main character uses. Over the next few weeks I'd like to go over some of the types of magic use in my world and perhaps talk a bit about their use and histories.

A few of the types of magic already touched on in the series are:
'Traditional' Ironsoul style spellcasting
'Traditional' Elven spellcasting
Circle Magic
Elemental Calling
Ritual Magic
Crafted Spells (magic items)

Would anyone like to see that? Comment below about what you want to hear about first!

In other news, my short novel is almost finished. I'm actively writing book 3 now, and I'm hoping my newly hired cover artist actually gets back to me soon with my short novel's cover.


  1. How about transformation magic, and specifically is it always a one-way deal like with the Wolfmen?

    1. I would definitely love to hear more about the magic in the series. I am a firm believer that knowing how the magic system works enhances the reading experience. My personal top choice would be magic items like Endrance's bracers, and the five elven swords mentioned in book one. My second choice would be elven spellcasting and specifically how it differs from human/ironsoul magic. I also wonder if joven's axe is a magical item or made out of the same metal as the elven swords (both milky white metals).

  2. I'd love to see a Tree depicting the different areas of magic - and the disciplines within each branch. I think it would be interesting to see where each branch exists - and where each overlaps. For example we already know that there is some cross over between crafted magic and summoning.

    I also have a question about crafted spells though. Wouldn't Crafted spells - enchanting - be a sub branch of so called 'traditional' spell casting. Also could we define what Traditional spell casting is. Also how exactly does summoning differ from circle magic. In both cases aren't they summoning beings from a different plane of existence.

    1. "Traditional" merely means the process of casting spells that a particular culture uses as a tradition. Their 'tried and true' spellcasting method, to explain. Each one differs between the species. Crafting's different from any spellcasting style because any culture that could use magic, however they did, could weave magic into physical objects.

      Circle magic, as explained in my Mystic Symbology post, is more than just a summoning system. Circles are used to help focus magics. Technically you can summon something without a circle, but the mystic symbology would make containing and controlling the subject much easier.

      I hope this helped clear things up! :)

  3. Any way we can get the title for book 3 put on goodreads? Helps me keep track of stuff coming out.
